LeBron James' Mother Gloria Reportedly Dating Rapper, and Internet Has Thoughts

Posted by Unknown on 14:58 with No comments

By Gabe Zaldivar 

If you were curious as to the state of Gloria James' dating life, today is your lucky day. 
The Internet is slowly deteriorating into some virtual office corner where we all gossip about the latest scuttlebutt surrounding the love life of LeBron James' mom.
Larry Brown Sports and a number of other outlets are reporting 31-year-old rapper Da Real Lambo is dating the 44-year-old James.
For photographic evidence, we head on over to Lambo's Instagram account, which houses a healthy amount of posts with the woman he affectionately refers to as "Wifey" and one wherein he wears some Miami Heat championship bling.
Here is one taken this month with the caption, "#concert #flo#WithWifey."
Photo Credit: Da Real Lambo Instagram
To make Heat fans jealous, here he is wearing a huge championship ring.
Photo Credit: Da Real Lambo Instagram
Here he is, as Deadspin notes, in St. Tropez with the rest of the James clan.


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